Options de formation pratique et ciblée pour les employeurs, employés, associations et éducateurs agricoles.
Le programme AgriCompétences qui portent sur les importantes difficultés liées à la main-d’œuvre en agriculture et soutiennent le développement d’une entreprise productive et rentable.
Grâce à un vaste éventail de ressources (ateliers, webinaires, vidéos, apprentissage en ligne, programme d’études et formation en cours d’emploi), AgriCompétences offre :
- outils et formation sur les RH à l’intention des superviseurs et des gestionnaires agricoles;
formation en cours d’emploi et apprentissage en ligne autodirigé pour les travailleurs;
formation pour les superviseurs qui gèrent des travailleurs étrangers;
outils de suivi pour s’assurer que les travailleurs ont les compétences dont ils ont besoin;
formation adaptée à des produits précis ou des difficultés propres à l’industrie.
Welcome to Canadian Agriculture
The aim of this program is to familiarize new Canadians and individuals willing to explore new careers with the agriculture industry in Canada and increase their job readiness to enter the agricultural industry.
With the Government of Canada’s Immigration Level Plan to welcome over 1.45 million immigrants over the next three years, newcomers are to become an essential force to overcome chronic labour shortages in all sectors, including agriculture. Providing new Canadians with information about the agriculture industry and available job opportunities will help with their integration into the labour market and address some of the labour shortages faced by the industry and rural communities.
Welcome to Canadian Agriculture is an online self-paced training program for newcomers to Canadian agriculture. The program is designed to benefit new Canadians and those considering building careers in agriculture in Canada.
This program provides a general overview of the agriculture sector, its main commodities, job outlook, and various career pathways that can be found in the industry for individuals from different nationalities, backgrounds, and education, experience, training, and language skills.
While learning about agriculture, participants will learn that working in agriculture does not always mean working on the farmland, as there are other rewarding careers outside of the farm gates in business, marketing, electronics, and much more.
Learn more or enroll today.
AgriWorkplace Skills Training Program
Applications for the program are now closed. If you have already registered for the program, you can sign into AgriAchieve training tracking platform to complete any remaining documentation.
The AgriWorkplace Skills Training Program is a pilot program developed and run by the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council is a program designed to help support employers and workers in primary agriculture through training, wage subsidies, and wrap-around supports.
The program has been modeled after a program delivered in Quebec by an agricultural association called AgriCarrieres. Their program “Programme d’apprentissage en milieu de Travail (PAMT)” makes it possible to develop recognize skills related to the daily exercise of a profession. Taking place entirely in the company, the employer or an experienced employee, designated as a journeyman, transmits their know-how to a salaried employee called an apprentice. Their program aims to improve the skills and knowledge of the Canadian agriculture workforce and support the growth of the industry. Click here to learn more about AgriCarrieres program.
CAHRC’s AgriWorkplace Skills Training Program supports the training of both Employers and Employees through e-learning and On-the-Job Training. This training program will enable employers to have access to an e-learning program effectively teaching On-the-Job training method. Employers will then have the skills required to teach their workers effectively against the major task areas outlined in CAHRC’s validated national occupational standards and be able to use an interactive training tracking tool to track their workers’ progress.
The Council’s longstanding efforts to clarify the work conducted in modern agriculture has led to the development of over 75 National Occupational Standards (NOSs) across 16 different commodity groups. Through this program, participating employers will get access to CHARC’s OJT e-learning as well as the NOS for the worker level.
Upon completing the AgriWorkplace Skills Training Program, employers will possess the necessary abilities to better train their employees according to national occupational standards. They will also have access to an interactive training tracking tool to monitor their workers' advancement. Moreover, the program helps training participants overcome barriers that previous research has identified, including childcare and transportation supports. Employers will receive a $5,000 wage subsidy per trained employee, or $7,500 should the employee be a member of an under-represented group.
We welcome producers from primary agriculture in Apples, Beef, Crops, Dairy, Greenhousing, Mushrooms, and Swine to participate in this pilot program.
Due to limited number of subsidies available, this program operates on a first-come first-serve basis.
Should you have any questions or concerns about the program, please contact us at agriworkplacestp@cahrc-ccrha.ca.
This program is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program (SWSP).
Eligibility & Training Requirements
Applications for the program are now closed. If you have already registered for the program, you can sign into AgriAchieve training tracking platform to complete any remaining documentation.
Eligibility Requirements
The Recipient agrees to meet all the AgriWorkplace Skills Training program eligibility criteria, whereby a Recipient:
- is a registered, Canadian business or non-profit;
- is not a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal government;
- is a primary agricultural operation in one of the following commodities: Apples, Beef, Crops, Dairy, Greenhouse, Mushrooms, or Swine;
- is training an Employee who is of the worker level, and the position is associated with the validated National Occupational Standards within the AgriAchieve Training Tracking Platform;
- is committed to paying the Participating Employee for the role;
- has the financial capacity to pay the Participating Employee for the duration of the Training Period in full (the wage subsidy will be administered after receiving the final pay stub at the end of the Training Period);
- will comply with all federal and provincial human rights and labour legislation, regulations, and any other relevant standards including but not limited to the applicable occupational health and safety legislation and applicable employment and labour standards legislation;
- where legally required, is compliant with applicable Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), workers’ compensation, or alternate workplace insurance coverage, laws and requirements;
- will not engage in any unlawful reprisal or retaliation against its employees, whether in with respect to the participation in the Training Program, the eligibility for the Subsidy, or otherwise;
- has not received or will not receive funding through CAHRC or another program delivery partner for more than one subsidy per Employee;
- will not count any subsidy provided under this program toward tax credits;
- except as provided above, is only submitting applications for paid positions that are not subsidized by the federal government under another funding program; the application is ineligible if the Recipient already applied for or has received an award/grant from other federal funding programs, such as Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) or the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP);
- is only submitting applications for Employees who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;
- is only submitting applications for Employees legally entitled to work in Canada;
- is only submitting applications for Employees allowed to work as per provincial regulations;
- the Employee is 18 years or older, is a new or existing hire, works part-time or full-time, but must work a minimum of 20 hours a week; and
- the Employee can be a family member who is looking to further develop their skills in agriculture.
Training Requirements
The Recipient agrees to meet all the AgriWorkplace Skills Training program training requirements criteria, whereby a Recipient:
- must complete the On The Job Training (OJT) method demonstration e-learning course within CAHRC’s AgriAchieve Training Tracking platform prior to their participation in the Pilot Program;
- is committed to train the Employee using the OJT method against the National Occupational Standards (NOS) as laid out within the AgriAchieve Training Tracking Platform;
- must ensure all Participating Employees complete their Participant Agreement Form, pre-survey, and post survey;
- must use CAHRC’s AgriAchieve Training Tracking platform to apply and manage their Subsidy;
- must use the AgriAchieve Training Tracking platform to track their worker’s training progress;
- is committed to updating training sessions and training progress a minimum of bi-weekly within the AgriAchieve Training Tracking platform throughout the duration of the Training Period;
- must complete a minimum of 10 training sessions over the duration of the Training Period; and
- must demonstrate a reasonable effort to complete all training within the Training Period.
How it Works
Applications for the program are now closed. If you have already registered for the program, you can sign into AgriAchieve training tracking platform to complete any remaining documentation.
- Employer registers on the AgriAchieve Training Tracking Platform and reviews program requirements
- Employer reviews and agrees to Terms and Conditions within registration
- Employer completes On The Job E-Learning Demonstration
- Employer signs and returns terms and conditions
- Employer provides information requested within the electronic banking form
- Employer adds Employee(s) to the AgriAchieve Training Tracking Platform
- Employee(s) sign(s) agreement and completes pre-survey
- Employer uploads signed employee agreement(s) (per each employee)
- Employer can now schedule training activities within the AgriAchieve platform and track employee progress
- Employer trains their Employee(s) against the activities laid out in the National Occupational Standards
- Once the employer has completed the minimum training period length of 3 months and has trained against at least 10 major task areas, they are then eligible to submit the employee’s paystubs to receive the wage subsidy.
- Employer submits a completed Invoice and Gross Salary template for each participating employee as well as first and last pay stubs for the training period
- Employee(s) complete(s) their post-participation survey and provide(s) any additional information to CAHRC for distribution of wrap-around supports
- Employer completes their post-participation survey and receives wage subsidy payment within 45 days of receipt of and approval of documents.
Please review the Eligibility Criteria and Training Requirements before applying to the program. You may also review the Frequently Ask Questions for additional information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Applications for the program are now closed. If you have already registered for the program, you can sign into AgriAchieve training tracking platform to complete any remaining documentation.
Are employed Temporary Foreign Workers eligible for this training and wage subsidy program?
- No, Temporary Foreign Workers are not eligible to participate in this program. Only employees who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act are eligible.
What if I employ both Temporary Foreign Workers and non-Temporary Foreign Workers, am I able to participate in the program?
- Yes, you are able to participate in the program if you employ both Temporary Foreign Workers and non-Temporary Foreign Workers. However, you may only receive a wage subsidy for training workers who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
What if my workers are already partially or fully trained?
- You are welcome to include your employee in the program even if they have begun their training, or have completed the training at your operation. Since the program uses the validated National Occupational Standards to help guide the training there is opportunity to further confirm employee training and skills by validating against the standards.
Is a worker who is not a new hire eligible for the program?
- Yes, both new hires and existing employees are eligible to participate in the program.
What percentage of the training needs to be completed?
- To complete the training, each employee must participate in a minimum of 10 training sessions over the minimum training period duration of three months.
What happens if an employee leaves my employment before they have completed their training, or before the end of the minimum training period?
- Should an employee leave the Employer’s employment, or choose to exit the training experience before completing the training or before the end of the minimum three month Training Period. The employer will still be eligible for the wage subsidy up to the salary paid to the employee through the completed duration of the Training Period. Provided the Employer has met all other criteria as laid out within the program and has shown a reasonable effort to complete the training within the Training Period. If the employer has made reasonable efforts to complete training, they will be eligible for the subsidy up to the point of the employee’s departure.
What are the wrap around supports and how are they administered?
- Wrap around supports will cover a portion of childcare and transportation for participating employees. Employees will have a maximum reimbursement for childcare and a maximum reimbursement for travel costs. Travel costs can include the cost of travel from their residence to their place of work/training. Travel costs will be calculated based on kilometric rates per province from the Treasury Board.
- At the beginning of their training period participating employees will inform CAHRC of their need for wrap around supports. At the end of the training period, CAHRC will work with the employee to determine the value of their reimbursement for travel and childcare. These limits are determined by how many participating employees request wrap around supports.
Do all of my employees need to participate in the program?
- No, not all of your employees need to participate in the program.
Is this program open to supervisors or managers?
- No, supervisors and managers are not eligible within this program. This training program is geared towards employees of the worker level. Should you have supervisors or managers who are seeking further training CAHRC is currently developing supervisory training which will be available in the near future.
What if my operation does not fall under any of the listed commodities?
- Since this is a pilot program, we are only launching with the pilot commodities (apples, beef, crops, dairy, greenhouse, mushroom, and swine). If you are not a producer in one of those commodities, please contact us at agriworkplacestp@cahrc-ccrha.ca. Should the program continue outside of the pilot, we would be happy to consider adding additional commodities.
What is the difference between this program and CAHRC’s Growing Opportunities Program?
- CAHRC’s Growing Opportunities program focuses on employers looking to hire students who have a work integrated learning (WIL) component to their post-secondary program.
- This program focuses on employers seeking to train new employees, or further train existing employees. This program targets employees of the worker level working at an operation in one of the following commodities: apples, beef, crops, dairy, greenhouse, mushroom, and swine. This program offers wrap around supports as well as a completion bonus for the employees.
Am I eligible for both this program and CAHRC’s Growing Opportunities program?
- You are eligible for both programs simultaneously, provided the employees participating in each program are different. You cannot use both programs for the same employee.
Are Ukrainians who have come to Canada under the Canadian-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) program eligible as a newcomer or refugee?
- No, Ukrainians who have come to Canada under the Canadian-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) program are not eligible for this program. Only employees who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act are eligible.
Is there a maximum number of subsidies that I can apply for?
- No, there is no maximum for the number of employees that you can train under this program.
Is there a limited number of subsidies available?
- The pilot program has a limited number of subsidies, maxing out at 200. This program operates based on the order of applications.
Is there a deadline for the applications?
- There is currently no deadline for the program; however, applicants must complete the required training materials before March 1, 2024. This is set to change based on funding availability and updates to the pilot program.
How long will it take to process my application?
- We are hoping to process your initial applications within a few days. Please consult the instructions within the platform, as well as the guides available to ensure information and documentation submitted is complete to ensure smooth processing.
- If all eligibility is met and the training period is completed, the employer can submit the proof of payment (pay stubs) of the employee, as well as an invoice.
- Once the entire application process is complete, it will take up to 45 days for the funds to be electronically transferred from CAHRC to the employer.
How long until after my subsidy is approved can I expect to receive payment?
- Once the entire application process is complete, it will take up to 45 days for the funds to be electronically transferred from CAHRC to the employer.
Have a question that isn’t answered here? Get in touch with us at agriworkplacestp@cahrc-ccrha.ca
Formation en gestion des ressources humaines
AgriCompétences offre outils et formation en ligne sur les RH à l’intention des superviseurs et des gestionnaires agricoles.
Vous avez besoin d’une solution de formation en RH adaptée aux besoins de vos clients?
Associez-vous au CCRHA pour créer une solution personnalisée, à donner en classe ou en ligne. Les spécialistes en RH du CCRHA collaboreront avec vous pour concevoir une série de webinaires, des modules d’apprentissage en ligne, un séminaire, un atelier ou un programme qui répond à vos exigences organisationnelles et aux besoins de votre client. Voir ci-dessous comment le CCRHA peut aider.
Formation en ligne
RH 101 – Gestion des ressources humaines : un bref survol
RH 101 s’adresse aux propriétaires et aux gestionnaires agricoles qui veulent en apprendre davantage sur les pratiques exemplaires afin de recruter, de maintenir en poste et de gérer plus efficacement les travailleurs. Associez-vous au CCRHA pour créer une solution personnalisée, à donner en classe ou en ligne.
Divisé en six modules d’apprentissage, RH 101 présente les pratiques clés en matière de RH qui permettent d’avoir un effectif épanoui, engagé et productif. Des outils et des gabarits téléchargeables sont aussi inclus dans le cours d’apprentissage en ligne et peuvent être offerts à vos membres à un coût réduit lorsque vous établissez un partenariat avec le CCRHA.
Les modules portent sur les sujets suivants :
- Aperçu de la gestion des ressources humaines
- Planification des ressources humaines
- Politique des ressources humaines
- Trouver des travailleurs qualifiés
- Embaucher et maintenir en poste des travailleurs qualifiés
- Assurer la formation et le perfectionnement de vos employés
En apprendre plus sur la formation RH 101
Formation en milieu de travail
Ces outils simples et utiles aident les formateurs, les superviseurs et les mentors à enseigner les compétences nécessaires aux nouveaux employés ou aux employés inexpérimentés dans un environnement de travail. Elle vous permet aussi d’officialiser et de normaliser la stratégie de formation de votre entreprise agricole, tout en vous assurant que vos travailleurs peuvent réaliser leurs tâches de façon sécuritaire et efficace. Initialement adapté pour les horticulteur paysagiste, elle permet de former rapidement les employés, de façon sécuritaire et efficiente, grâce à des outils de formation en cours d’emploi.
Atelier de planification des RH
Cet atelier s’adresse aux propriétaires et aux gestionnaires agricoles et met l’accent sur la planification des RH, en appui aux objectifs et aux priorités stratégiques de l’entreprise. Les participants apprennent les cinq étapes du processus de planification : aperçu des principaux secteurs des RH, analyse de l’effectif, besoins en matière d’effectif, élaboration d’une stratégie et évaluation.
Ateliers de formation en supervision
Cette série d’ateliers d’apprentissage pratiques et interactifs s’adresse aux superviseurs agricoles et leur fournit les outils nécessaires pour améliorer la culture en milieu de travail. Les superviseurs apprennent à apporter des changements durables et optimaux afin d’améliorer le moral des employés ainsi que de favoriser la réussite des travailleurs canadiens et les travailleurs étrangers temporaires (notamment ceux participant au Programme des travailleurs agricoles saisonniers).
Atelier sur le recrutement et le maintien en poste
Cet atelier s’adresse aux propriétaires, aux gestionnaires et aux superviseurs agricoles. Il les aide à prendre des décisions cruciales en matière de RH, d’éviter les pièges courants et de mieux comprendre les meilleures stratégies de recrutement et de maintien en poste.
Webinaires sur les ressources humaines
Ils aident vos membres à régler leurs difficultés liées à la main-d’œuvre ainsi qu’à apprendre les pratiques exemplaires permettant d’établir et de soutenir l’effectif dont ils ont besoin pour atteindre leurs objectifs organisationnels. Cette série de webinaires est divisée en trois parties : le recrutement, la sélection et l’embauche dans une optique agricole. Chaque webinaire est d’une durée de 30 minutes et est accessible au besoin.
Communiquez avec nous pour en savoir plus.
Formation sur la production propre à un produit
Les trousses adaptées de formation en ligne
Les trousses adaptées de formation en ligne offrent à vos membres une façon pratique et efficace de former leurs travailleurs à la production. Axée sur les normes professionnelles nationales, la formation en ligne reflète les pratiques exemplaires de l’industrie et peut être conçue pour un vaste éventail de produits (que ce soit des produits végétaux, animaux ou de la mer). L’apprentissage en ligne peut aussi être harmonisé au code de pratique de votre association et respecter les exigences en matière de vérification (formation mise à jour ou continue).
Pour plus d'informations, contactez-nous.
Outils pour les éducateurs
Le Guide du formateur et programme d’études en gestion des RH en agriculture est le premier programme exhaustif adapté à l’industrie agricole canadienne.
Il repose sur des années de recherche et d’essais sur le terrain effectués au Canada et à l’échelle internationale et comprend des stratégies pratiques et éprouvées en RH, qui aident les étudiants à surmonter les défis liés à la main-d’œuvre agricole.
Le programme d’études de 12 unités est conçu comme une classe inversée et traite de nombreux domaines clés des RH, dont le recrutement, la sélection, l’embauche, la formation, la santé et sécurité et le mieux-être au travail. Tous les documents associés au programme d’études peuvent être personnalisés avec le logo et l’image de marque de votre organisation.
Les ressources pour les instructeurs comprennent des guides détaillés, des plans de leçon, du matériel de présentation, des devoirs et des évaluations sommatives, des vidéos et des programmes de conférencier invité. Voir des exemples de document du programme d’études.
Les ressources pour les étudiants comprennent des survols vidéo, des exercices autodirigés d’apprentissage et de pratique, des auto-évaluations et des questionnaires, ainsi que des recherches et des renseignements d’actualité provenant de véritables praticiens.
Contenu collaboratif. Le programme d’études sur la gestion des RH en agriculture constitue un supplément au contenu pédagogique de base et au contenu évolutif créé par les pairs (instructeurs dans l’ensemble du Canada), notamment au moyen de rapports et de conférenciers invités.
Pour vous inscrire comme formateur et utiliser le programme d'études en gestion des ressources humaines en agriculture, communiquez avec nous.
Curriculum en gestion des RH
Programme d’études exhaustif à l’intention des prochaines générations de leaders en agriculture
Le Guide du formateur et programme d’études en gestion des RH en agriculture est divisé en 12 unités, qui portent sur les principaux domaines et stratégies de RH, dans l’optique de l’industrie agricole canadienne.
UNITÉ 1 : Introduction à la gestion et à la planification stratégique des RH. Cette unité fournit un aperçu des compétences théoriques et pratiques nécessaires pour assurer une gestion efficace des employés.
UNITÉ 2 : Recrutement, sélection et embauche. Cette unité porte sur les stratégies et processus de recrutement et de maintien en poste, l’obligation de prendre des mesures d’adaptation, les techniques d’entrevue et l’embauche de travailleurs étrangers temporaires.
UNITÉ 3 : Rémunération et avantages sociaux. Cette unité traite de sujets comme l’équité salariale et les normes d’emploi, les retenues à la source, l’établissement d’échelles salariales concurrentielles ainsi que la création de régime de rémunération et d’avantages.
UNITÉ 4 : Améliorer le rendement des travailleurs. Cette unité met l’accent sur des sujets comme les obligations légales, les bonis et les récompenses, la formation des travailleurs, les mesures de discipline, les processus de cessation d’emploi et le travail avec les membres de la famille.
UNITÉ 5 : Planification du transfert de l’entreprise. Cette unité porte sur la planification du transfert d’une petite entreprise, en particulier d’une entreprise agricole familiale, et sur la planification de la relève dans les rôles clés au sein d’une organisation.
UNITÉ 6 : Planification de la main-d’œuvre. Cette unité traite des principaux éléments de planification organisationnelle pour les petites entreprises ou les entreprises familiales, notamment l’établissement d’objectifs, l’évaluation des besoins en main-d’œuvre et l’analyse du milieu de travail.
UNITÉ 7 : Politiques de RH. Cette unité met l’accent sur l’établissement de politiques et la rédaction de manuels de politique qui permettent de s’assurer que les employés de l’industrie agricole adoptent des comportements sécuritaires, inclusifs, productifs, acceptables et légalement valables.
UNITÉ 8 : Santé et sécurité. Cette unité porte sur la santé et la sécurité dans les entreprises agricoles, en plus d’offrir des outils et de l’information pour aider les étudiants à respecter les normes de sécurité les plus élevées dans un environnement agricole.
UNITÉ 9 : Mieux-être au travail. Cette unité présente une analyse de rentabilité associée au mieux-être au travail et des stratégies permettant de remplir les obligations légales et de soutenir l’équilibre entre la vie personnelle et le travail ainsi que le mieux-être des travailleurs canadiens et étrangers.
UNITÉ 10 : Diversité et inclusion. Cette unité porte sur la création d’un milieu de travail inclusif et accueillant, où des gens de n’importe quel sexe, religion, nationalité, culture, langue et orientation sexuelle et possédant diverses habiletés se sentent à l’aise, respectés et appréciés.
UNITÉ 11 : Leadership, valeurs et travail d’équipe. Cette unité oriente les étudiants afin de les faire réfléchir sur leurs propres valeurs, à examiner les valeurs des entreprises et des organisations de l’industrie et à explorer les répercussions des valeurs et du leadership en milieu de travail.
UNITÉ 12 : Synthèse. Cette unité récapitule tous les sujets couverts dans le programme d’études et présente les liens entre chacun afin de créer un milieu de travail sécuritaire, attrayant, inclusif et productif. Le programme comprend un examen final.